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MISSO Banquet & Scholarships Winner

Last semester, I had the chance to join and interact with other MISSO member at the MISSO banquet. I had a great time meeting new people and of course eating delicious food.

MISSO Web App Development Evaluation - Scholarships

MISSO prepared 6 scholarships for this banquet and I had the opportunity to received 2 of them. The first price I received was the one about the feedback regarding their website and interface. I had for task to improve the website and write a report about how I would improve it and why I believe my improvement would provide a better user interface.

Quote of the Day

“Your website is the center of your digital eco-system, like a brick and mortar location, the experience matters once a customer enters, just as much as the perception they have of you before they walk through the door.” - Leland Dieno

The reason why there are 2 pictures is because each one of them represent one scholarship I received.

MISSO Interview Skillsets - Scholarships

Lastly, the scholarship I won was about your interview skillsets. I went through a mock interview where I had to polish myself and show my best attire. I had to answer questions regarding my personal experience when it comes to dealing with difficult situation as well as what actions I would take if I was put in a specific case scenario. One thing I learned during this interview process is that I have to learn to condense my responses. I often easily get passionate and loved to share a lot of details. However, time is precious. Therefore, providing a simple, condensed, and structured answer is essential.


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