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How Did our DeBackEnd Team Win 1st Place? (Hackathon)

Our Proposal for the HCSS Dashboard Competition

The challenge that we tasked to solved was the following:

"HCSS has a variety of projects going on at any given time and the uses need a way to quickly determine how those projects are progressing."

The solution we came up with is a API KPIs web application that would allow the manager to monitor the progress of multiple constructions project simultaneously.

The first component of the backend is python, which is using the framework called flask. Our python programs are also connected with the database called mongoDB using the PyMongo package. The image above shows the total difference in the cost for 3 different categories that go into our front-end. We used dictionaries in python to parse json from database and vice versa.

This is a look at MongoDB UI where our json files are stored, one of dataspaces for our project in MongoDB. We have parsed information from python and stored it in MangoDB.

What sold our project was how we discuss the affordable resources needed to run the API KIP's web application, which are touched upon on the scalability and extensibility slide above.

Lastly, our presentation closed on the next steps our team would have taken if we were given more time and the right resources to fully develop the web application such as improving the integration between the back and front-end, having the ability fo the user to input or edit the KPI, and connect to a server that would connect with our web application and update data in real time.

Quote of the Day

"None of us, including me, ever do great things. But we can all do small things, with great love, and together we can do something wonderful." – Mother Teresa

DeBackEnd Team and How We Won First Place.

The 3 important keys that helped us succeed was team management, organized presentation, and fulfilling business needs.

Team Management:

  1. Work together to brainstorm ideas and pick the best choice among all of them

  2. Divide the front-end and back end work between the team (2 front-ends and 3 back-ends)

Organized Presentation:

  1. Only add the main idea to the PowerPoint slides to not overwhelm the public

  2. Structure your information in a way it is easy for the public to follow (break down into categories such as problem, solution, tools used, benefits & costs, and next step

Business Goals:

  1. The most important key is to understand from a business perspective why a company should invest in your web application, utilize it, and how it meets their needs.

  2. Include information such as costs, sustainability, next steps, what does the web application do

Access to Full PowerPoint Presentation & DevPost Below


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